Published on December 13, 2015
A short and very simple message of 139 minutes ‘Tamasha’: Follow your heart. Live your dreams. Else life is ‘Tamasha’!
The movie starts with the journey of two characters Deepika Padukone and Ranbir Kapoor playing Tara and Ved respectively in beautiful heavenly sites of Corsica, France. Its simple- no social boundaries here, no routines to follow here. So live the life you want to live, live at its fullest for the time you are here! They both decides not to say a single truth about them and do whatever they like. The journey ends. But both are not able to forget each other. Next phases picturized in Calcutta and Delhi areas of India. Tara accepts this but Ved doesn’t. He’s the boy living a stressed life driven by social and professional circumstances with his childhood dreams killed. Series of sequences that finally allows Tara to make him realize this and he than choses the path of his interest; and that gives both of them real joy, success and fluffiness in life.
While the movie has a strong subject line to showcase and also a different way of Imtiaz Ali’s direction and writing, it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. It would have been little lighter and chosen slightly different way of sharing the same message. But that’s the way of Imtiaz Ali, so if you like his movies, you will like this too. Beautiful remarkable music composition by A. R. Rahman and lyrics from Irshad Kamli too.
But in any case, don’t miss the core message. Are You living YOU? Is the Child in you Alive? Whatever you are today makes you happy? Everyone don’t have routine and socially accepted talent but is that talented buzz in you able to show that impact to the world? Are you fulfilling your dreams or just living another life? It’s ONE life – take a decision, take a turn, make the difference and see the difference!
The movie reminded my poem ‘મારે ફરી એક વાર બાળક થવું છે…’ Everyone of us should find that child within us and let that child live once again with us. That’s what the movie says too…