Avani Makwana
Avani Makwana
Avani Makwana

Life Nuggets

There are two types of people – Those who actually work and Those who act as if they work. There are even two kinds of work – The ones that require completion and The ones which needs to constantly flow without completion. So position is open for both kind of people. It’s up to you to to choose the bucket where you want to fit yourself!!

December 18, 2020

‘In God we trust. Everybody else brings data to the table.’ A successful professional has to generate, maintain and manage valuable data wisely!

December 7, 2020
#LifeInspires, #Leadership, #ProjectManagement

There is no Good Time or Bad Time. There’s only One ‘The Right Time’ & that is NOW! The Time To Reinvent! The Time To Win Goals, Dreams & Hearts!

December 3, 2020
#LifeInspires, #Leadership

Do HONEST Introspection and overcome your weakness! The key is right focus, not right arguments!

December 3, 2020
#LifeInspires, #Leadership

Don’t expect someone to value your hard work. Create your own place!

December 3, 2020

We are living in the world where simplicity is rare.

December 3, 2020

Work hard with right intentions and utmost loyalty. Ignore all garbages and keep moving…

December 3, 2020
#LifeInspires, #Leadership

Money Spends Your Life. Experience Gives You Life.

December 3, 2020

People are influenced by the things they like and not by the facts!

December 3, 2020

Look at your Job as a Passion, not a Job. This applies to every job you are at – Personal & Professional!

November 30, 2020

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